Originally uploaded by Saher,allil
Every father’s face possesses a unique character feature
A furrowed brow could announce constant concern
A wide jaw might exclaim, “You must learn!”
Chiseled cheeks go along with a domineering tone
Big bright eyes can disarm defenses so you never feel alone
To me your prominent feature is your handsome nose
It’s regal posture and sturdy slope tells of its wealth
It is a statue a vitality to which you owe good health
Its majestic slope is adorned with a crown of glass
It’s masculine and strong with the essence of class
As a kid I didn’t understand the blessing that I had
I never chose my nose to be, the bridge of longevity
The grandeur within its size lead to racial slurs and a few good cries
I always loved the bridge you gave to me
A gift of graceful confidence is worth the fee
Everyone has one, but my father’s nose is best
Not showered with praise or mentioned in songs
Often responsible for eradicating our wrongs
Carrying our burdens and adding warmth to air
A gentle power for us when life isn’t fair
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